The cherry pie won't be at the party! Look at the great sour cherry pie we were able to enjoy!! Thanks to a picking of Butch's sour cherry tree, enough sour cherries were procured to create one batch of sour cherry jam and one sour cherry pie. MMmmmmm!! Three springs ago I planted a sour cherry tree at my place in town and I have my fingers crossed that next year will be its year. Makes me think of Grandma Kinzer's tree!
I promised a picture of Mom with her prize fish from our day fishing at Jackson Lake. The picture was snapped just before she dropped him! No harm, no foul - it was dead! Too bad we didn't have the presence of mind to snap a picture up at the most beautiful lake around!! Nice day of fishing; thanks for spending some time with us here in Jackson, Mom!
Look! Four beautiful zucchini!! There are lots more growing too and we have a week of warm weather ahead! Thanks to Michael's diligent covering of the delicate plants during our four days of frost, we have succeeded!!