Okay, so it's cold out there, but look, the landscape is stunning!
Thank goodness for the day off today. I am weary after travels to Illinois and quick turn-around for a week of teaching in Casper. Getting caught up this morning on blog posts (have you ever seen the Teton County Civil Air Patrol blog site? Check it out at CAP Blog. Just click on CAP Blog to go to site.)
We are all watching the weather reports to see if the big winter storm will actually hit us. No one is too optimistic. It has been a very bad snow year for Teton County so far.
If you haven't see Avatar yet, go! Although it's not much of a plot, the visuals and sound are amazing!! I would have loved to have seen it in 3-d!
Micheal is off snowmobile guiding. The dogs are wishing we were out for a walk and the chickens have laid three eggs already this morning. Yesterday we took a fun drive with the Breens to look at some mules. Unfortunately, the one I want doesn't look to be for sale!
This picture that I took with Addie Hare's camera (thank you Addie!) is in the 2010 Ferrara (company that builds these trucks) calendar! Ah, the sweet feeling of being published again!! Ha, didn't get a penny for it either!
So, always up for a challenge, I have accepted the mission. And always willing to look to my friends for help, I send you this blog site. Any and all ideas will be considered!! Pleeeeease, people, help me out here!! Of course realizing many of you are neither firefighters nor EMTs, I realize this may be a desperate plea. So following are some pictures of our Fall 09 Tour to Illinois and back! It was a splendid trip, indeed. Happy 2010 - I feel good about this year!!