Friday, December 30, 2011
Goodbye 2011!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Newly Appointed!
What does this mean? Well, a couple of trips to Cheyenne, for sure. Getting to know some new people, learning new things and having something that looks really good on my resume!! As they say, that and $5 will buy you a coffee in Jackson!
Just like eveyone else, our summer has been filled with non-stop activities! We are enjoying lovely fall weather although it is very dry. I must share this great new recipe with all you fellow bakers - it is amazingly good!Recipe Here
At last, I close with a picture of the Red Rock Fire. Both Michael and I have had the opportunity to be up on this fire. Always good to do that once or twice a summer.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
August 2011
This afternoon, a grass fire is right out our friends' door, Doug and Addie, and I start to think about my wildland gear and if it is all ready. They should be alright, unless the wind direction changes, and even still, they have good wet space around their ranch. Our grass here has dried out and there is plenty of it to burn now.
The following slide show will compare the garden and greenhouse from earlier this year. Brussel sprouts do well here, as you will see! Ending picture is the cherry jam I've worked on all day thanks to my friends Butch and Marsha letting us pick their sour cherries.
Just to make sure we don't worry about being bored, this Thursday friends Gary and Diana arrive for the big birthday bash on Saturday. How cool that we will not only celebrate Michael's birthday, but Gary's too!! And, of course, Kenlyn's as well. Should be a good party! Hope you are all enjoying your summer too!!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Flying High!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Goodbye Pop, You Will Be Missed
First one is a picture of Pop taken in 2006. I was so lucky to be able to see him on Illinois visits! Next up, and from left to right: little brother Mike, sister Kristen, Linda, me, and Dad after the service. Then two pictures from Dad's garden. The lovely row of lettuce is a heirloom lettuce from Italy. I'm hoping it will grow in Wyoming! Then a picture from Diana's yard, followed by Mom's yard filled with hostas and then her posing in those hostas! The next picture is my 101 year old Aunt Ione (Pop's sister) and her lovely daughter Carol. Then a few others thrown in for good measure! I had a great time over the long weekend touring gardens. It is a hot and humid place back there, but plants sure grow there!
Meanwhile, back on the home front, summer came. We are not going too flood to badly, so it looks at this point. There is garden work, yard work and horses needing to be ridden! Better get at it!!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Fishing Derby 2011
The lovely Teton Mountain Range - still a bit snowy!!
Danny Bess's boat caught two big fish for second place in the Derby. Both weight over 25 pounds!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Maybe It's Really Gonna Be Spring!
Haven't figured out where to put these two yet. Below are some planted.
And the pretty fountain corner. Yes, that is a hanging basket filled with cherry tomatoes. And yes, they are blooming, some have even set fruit, but I got it at the greenhouse on Saturday!! I will be gaurding it viligantly from the dreaded frost!
Hope you are enjoying your spring season and have a basement to go to if a tornado shows up! Have you seen our mudslide?
Click here to see the land slide. Most likely, soon to follow, flood pictures!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
One Foot of New Snow!

This yard art bird ain't too happy! We awoke to a foot of new snow this morning! Amazing, wet snow piled on top of everything! It's really quite lovely if you're not sick of it - most people are way over it now. Cabin fever has become contagious and is now affecting many people in our area. I witnessed a shouting match the other day that was a direct result of cabin fever. Ugly business there. It's still snowing. We live in such an amazing place!!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Fire Academy & Weekend Fun
I was there for a two week class on the stuctures and systems for fire protection. Much learning ensued. The weekend between was AMAZING!
Mom flew in from Illinois and we packed the weekend full of fun. Highlights of the weekend include the following: First and foremost, getting a DC cop to rip up a ticket that he had just written and put under the wiper of our rental car, getting to and from successfully without getting lost or mugged to the Capitals hockey game on Friday and the Kennedy Center for a symphany on Saturday using the Metro, a tour of Mount Vernon Saturday morning and a delightful side adventure to Old Town Alexandria for a wonderful Thai lunch. Sunday morning we found the FDR Memorial and got out of a DC parking ticket!
The Kennedy CenterOn our walk to the Kennedy Center, I snapped this photo of the open court yard area at the Watergate Building.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Winter in Wyoming
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Cutter Race Weekend!!
What is referred to - and certainly is - the biggest tailgate party in Jackson, the Shriner's Cutter Races, finished this afternoon in light snow flurries and thundering hoofs! What a great weekend!
This year's challenge was to build a "camp" that Roy Chambers, turning 85 in a few days, could cozy up in and enjoy this 40th year of Cutters Races. Michael pulled out all the stops; the hunting camp wood stove, a EZUp tent with sides, the Weber grill, Mr. Heater, and good old country music for Roy. Why he liked it so much, he came both days!!
Thanks to the great crowds, the Shriner's Hospital should get a nice bit of money. The saying for the race, "The Cutters run so the children can walk." What a great way to raise money! Here's a few more pictures from the weekend.
Looking forward already to next year!!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
A Beautiful Winter Day!

Friends Mike and Amy won a snowmobile ride with the company Michael works for and when the day came to go riding we said, "okay, we'll take you!!" And what an amazing day we got! Starting out chilly at 11 degrees, temperatures climbed to quite comfortable. We headed up to Togwotee Mountain and found new nooks to explore and great snow to ride. Lunch at the beautiful Brooks Lake Lodge, my original place of hire in Wyoming, and a great ride back to the rig and trailer. It was a fine, fine day. More pictures follow.