True or False?
1. Theory is imprecise and complex?
I close this daily blogging quest with a sense of thankfulness. I am thankful this class is finished (excluding the odious paper that still must be written). I am thankful for ALL I have learned. And I have learned a bunch. Thankful to have met some awesome people, to have had some great walks around the neighboring country, to be able to spend a glorious weekend with Scott and Stephanie.
Thank YOU ALL for checking into my site! It has been fun to see the numbers of viewers go up every day. I hope checking in has been a worthwhile expenditure of your time.
Here are some closing pictures; no rhyme or reason. Answer to the test is at the end of the blog. Good night, good health, good friends, good wine, good life-moments!

Scott's Toy
The answer to the question is TRUE. Theory is both imprecise and complex.