Thursday, December 31, 2015

Last Night's Fire

It is cold work working a fire when it is -15 degrees!  Fire in our local dry cleaners last night.  Check out the video at O'Ryan Cleaners Fire .  Thanks to a quick fire attack, crews kept the fire in the room of origin.  Smoke permeated the building, however, as it usually does.  Here is another report from the local paper.  JH News & Guide .  Keep things that can burn away from hot things....just sayin'!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Today's Tip

(Heads up here, Scott - )  Today I went to my local Starbucks to get a cup of their hot, big coffee (Christmas blend today).  You can get a real nice coffee mug for $40 with free coffee the entire month of January 2016!

I now have a new coffee mug!!  Enjoy the day!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Today's News

I am very excited to have an online news source looking for community education pieces.  We have found each other!  See today's true-story report!

Carbon Monoxide Strikes Again

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sunday Ski

Thanks Janet for joining us on a coooooolllldddd Sunday afternoon ski! 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Beautiful & Filling Day

The Turkey Trifecta was a success (see below)!  I worked on range of motion for my left knee enjoying a great ski around the place.  Here are some images from a very nice 2015 Christmas Day!  Hope yours was filled with joy, family, friends, food, and relaxation!

Thank you for the fun gifts!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Amazing Local Miracle for Snowmobilers

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Wow!  Check out the local story from yesterday!  These two kids are so lucky to be celebrating their harrowing story at Luck Riders .  That gal needs to marry that guy!!  Wow!

Mike and I are preparing the Turkey Trifecta for today's Spotted Horse annual celebration.  Fried turkey, smoked turkey, and rotisserie turkey!  Look for pictures to come!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Addie's Annual Holiday Party

Another great holiday party!  Look at the spread we all enjoyed!  Beautiful food. Thank you, Doug & Addie, for hosting this great get together!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Check Out The Snow!

Check out the snow amounts from the winter snow storm!  Look under the estimated precipitation column.  Michael spent the entire day plowing, beginning around 5am here, then off to the ranch to plow and plow and plow.  I should have a picture, but for now, this is the best I can give you!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Snowy Sunday Film

Here is a quick little look at our snowfall today.  My knee is healing great and I'm feeling good!  If you ever have a torn meniscus, DO NOT hesitate to get it repaired!  Easy peasy!  Hope you are getting ready for a warm, relaxing, and love-filled holiday break!


Thursday, December 17, 2015

All Good!

Feeling great after surgery! Doc says it was a complex meniscus tear. He cleaned some arthritis out too; imagine that!! Elevating and icing and getting bored!! Plan to be to a Christmas party on Saturday and back to work Monday!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Torn Meniscus

Some of you may not know....I'm getting my double-torn meniscus repaired in an arthroscopic knee surgery tomorrow.  I am optimistic that healing will be fast; planning on being back to work on Monday!  Look for cool pictures to come!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

A Lean Year of Hunting

We bagged a young elk on Friday.  No luck today.  Looks like the freezer will get a clean out this coming year!  Had another great ride around the refuge today. 

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Congratulations EMT Mike Trumbower!!

Four Station 3 members have completed and passed the arduous class, practicals and testing to become the newest EMTs for the station.  Heartfelt congratulations to these four who have worked so hard to get this important certification.  Here is poem I wrote for tonight's celebration party in their honor.

Three cheers of joy
To the Nation’s Four
Long hours of study and practicals
Are no more!
For what seems like forever
They’ve been learning EMT skills
And all those hours were volunteer
So it did nothing for paying the bills
Short board, long board, suck bags and epi pens
Jordan, Chance, Mike & Jack
Are now certified technicians.
BVM, blood pressure cuffs
So many things that were unknown
Just taking the test
Was a skill of its own!
BSI, scene safety are what they think first
Is it medical, is it trauma, MI or stroke?
They are trained and ready
To take care of the Nation folk.
Regarding those you abandoned
Over the course of this training
We burst with incredible pride
For the talent we are all gaining
You’ll never understand
How much they love you
When they dial 911 and call
Showing up on their door step
Is the best medicine of all
Stay safe and do good work
Congratulations. You are EMTs!
This night is for you and all you’ve done
For this, we are so very pleased!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Check It Out!!

Check out the new blog site gadget!  Just to the right there is a 2015 Favorite Pictures title with a slide show below.  Niiiiiiiicccccceeee!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Ride Around the Refuge

Well, it was a nice day to make a ride around the refuge.  Had we turned right instead of left, we may have found some elk........still, it was a great ride.  This is a picture at the end of the ride.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Still thinking about it.....

My mind keeps wandering backward.....A night for re-affirming vows.....

Let me sit by your side and laugh.
Let me hold you tight as we dance.
Let me be by your side for as long as life allows.
Let me love you fully and with great passion.
Let me be by your strength when you need to be lifted up.
Let me be your sounding board when you need to vent.
You are, afterall, a Trumbower.

Thank you.  Thank you for being at my side.
I love you.