Thanks for the picture Diana!
It's a huge project being undertaken by a county concerned about their revenues in this new, recessed economy.
Turns out, the garage will be sprinklered and the storage area above as well. Notice the steel beams supporting that light weight construction floor. I will try to learn if there will be more than one layer of gyp board covering that garage ceiling.
I also learned yesterday at this site, that the ICF forms have a hard plastic on the inside. This plastic becomes a mounting location for applying drywall directly to the ICF walls. I still haven't figured out how they run the electrical chases.....
AREA OF REFUGE So, I don't know much about this code, found both in the Building and Fire Codes under 1007.6 Areas of Refuge. Having a building presently under construction less than two blocks away, I decided to use this opportunity to get smarter on this code; much to the chagrin of the General Contractor! Here is another series of images from the area of refuge. Note the little silver box with button and speaker. One would wheel one's chair out to this safe area of refuge, push the button and talk to someone......ooops, my building may not have a 24 hour attendant! And I don't think this button will talk to the local phone, which it must do, per code. I also learned code states that each area of refuge must be labeled with illuminated signs, INCLUDING the International Symbol of Accessibility AND tactile signage must be located at each door as well. Tough stuff to dump on a GC four days before his CofO!!(Did you see the nice little sprinkler head at the top of the stairwell?)
Lastly, as you probably figured out, this is my personal blog site. You can get an amusing glimpse into my life by clicking on past posts! It is a great way to combine photos with the written word and pretty darn easy to do, I must say. I will do it again if it proved helpful for anyone. Maybe follow the construction of the ICF home....
Despite the dark clouds looming above, a great time was had by all at Michael and Kenlyn's birthday party. Nearly 40 pounds of giant king crab legs were devoured and a table of dishes brought by well-wishers complimented the meal. Most of the 10 gallons of beer was consumed as well! Just click on the right arrow to watch a fun slide show of the party!
Thanks to our 23 friends who helped make this a real celebration! Kids and dogs added to the festivities!!
What a great picture of Michael and Earl bringing in wood for camp. Earl did great; he's a very good horse! More pictures of camp set-up below!
The cherry pie won't be at the party! Look at the great sour cherry pie we were able to enjoy!! Thanks to a picking of Butch's sour cherry tree, enough sour cherries were procured to create one batch of sour cherry jam and one sour cherry pie. MMmmmmm!! Three springs ago I planted a sour cherry tree at my place in town and I have my fingers crossed that next year will be its year. Makes me think of Grandma Kinzer's tree!
I promised a picture of Mom with her prize fish from our day fishing at Jackson Lake. The picture was snapped just before she dropped him! No harm, no foul - it was dead! Too bad we didn't have the presence of mind to snap a picture up at the most beautiful lake around!! Nice day of fishing; thanks for spending some time with us here in Jackson, Mom!
Look! Four beautiful zucchini!! There are lots more growing too and we have a week of warm weather ahead! Thanks to Michael's diligent covering of the delicate plants during our four days of frost, we have succeeded!!
Life has been crazy busy, like everyone else. The chickens are doing great! Seven eggs out of six hens the other day! The bonus egg! We had a great trip back for the Trumbower Reunion. Lots of Trumbowers to meet! Whirlwind trip. Got to see the Orioles and Reds play in Camden Yards which was awesome! Our flights there and back went well. It was a nice trip!This weekend is the Hoback BBQ Rib Picnic. 2800 pounds of ribs will be cooked and it will all be done for another year by Saturday evening's end. This year's planning has gone well. Wish you all could come!
There it is! The second of the first two eggs!! How egg-citing is that??! We believe the hen pictured is the momma; she was sited on the nest. Good girl!
So, the chicken coop works! Micheal is elated! He had so much fun building the coop, he built this very nice raised garden next.
Planeted; a row of zinnas, some zuccini (sure to get frosted before their time), some lettuces and spinaches. More work to be done.
Gearing up for the pack trip. Time just keeps flying by! Amazingly, this is the last week of June!!
A friend asked today how the "Pecker Palace" was coming along and why was it not full of "young spring chickens"? He's a retired federal judge; ya gotta love that sense of humor!! We love you, John! Thanks for the laughs! The name of the coop is now, officially, "Coup de Ville". I'm looking for any Cadillac insignias, tail fins, that sort of decorative thing to add to the coop's character.
I celebrated my 50th birthday (yikes!) over the Memorial Day weekend break while taking a two week Fire/Arson Origin and Cause course at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsberg, Maryland, gone from home May 17 -29.
This photo was taken during a Memorial Day Service at the beautiful Firefighter Memorial. It was about 90 degrees and 92% humidity that day.
Anyway, what is key for you to know is that while visiting Michael's brother, sister in law, and nephew I got a HUGE birthday surprise - he flew out to spend the weekend with me!!That is the BABY brother, Steven; he measures 6'7"! Son Taylor (soon to be as tall!) and lovely wife, Victoria. And of course, my dear husband. It truly was a surprise!! We all spent the day walking around Annapolis. Michael was back on the plane Sunday around noon and I was back to Emmitsberg settling in for another week of class. Which, I came home a whole bunch smarter from too!
The coop is project to be finished this week. Maybe a trip to Riverton this weekend for the birds.....One closing garden picture from a lovely spot in downtown Emmitsberg.
Update on the Coop. Building continues. Look - walls!! The day started cold and with earflaps down, Michael got walls up!! No work now until next week. This weekend: the fishing derby, the fire department banquet, and I leave Sunday morning for the National Fire Academy in Emmitsberg!! Phew!
I have a wonderful recipe to share now that you've looked at the new coop pictures. Feeling the mood to bake, I pulled this recipe off the internet from Allrecipes , and what do you know, at last, a muffin recipe worth making. I highly recommend this one. Yummy! Enjoy. I'll try to do a post from Maryland!
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Throw dry ingrediants together: 1 1/2c. flour, 3/4 c. sugar, 1/2 t. salt, 2 t. baking powder.
Make topping by throwing 1/2 c. sugar, 1/3 c. flour, 1/4 c. butter (yup, that' a half of a stick baby!) and 1 - 2 t. cinnamon. I spun it around in my little chopper thing.
Now, throw wet with dry, don't stir too much, throw in 1 c. fresh blueberries.
Take this rather thick dough, and put in lined muffin tins. Then put a big spoonfull of the topping on top of each muffin. Bake 20-25 minutes (it was more toward the 25 minutes at this elevation).
I'm telling you, these are GOOD!! And look, they call for an EGG!! Ha! We come full circle!
Meanwhile, check out this lovely fava bean salad I made for tonight's "Inspector's Meeting". Found these dried fava beans in the Mexican food sections of Smiths. Soaked them a few hours, cooked them until they were just done (too much and they would have turned to mush), added some great midwestern sweet/sour juice, some red peppers, kalamata olives, basil, grape tomatoes, sliced red onions and salt and pepper. Oh, and I'll be bringing a bottle of chainti too! Ha!!
Meanwhile, look what I made to take along to "The Inspector's Dinner" tonight!! I found dried fava beans in the Mexican foods section of Smiths. Soaked them a couple of hours, cooked until just tender (could really fall apart if cooked too much), then added a sweet sour base (1 c. sugar, 1 1/2 c. red wine vinegar, 1 c. water and boil with whole allspice and cloves). Also in this cold salad; kalamata olives, grape tomatoes, red onions, red peppers, basil, salt and pepper. I'm brining chianti too!! Ha!
Who knows what will show up in future posts???
Then I got the wild hair to hike, by snowshoes, into the plane crash landing site. Michael and I donned borrowed snow shoes and commenced our search. With GPS in hand, we learned we knew very little about our GPS. After some cursing and playing, we found the needle in the haystack! I'd really like to send you pictures, but you're going to have to send me an email to get the specific ones. I'd hate to lose my respect and position in the Civil Air Patrol!!
There WILL be a post next week updating you on the chicken coop. Landscaping efforts have begun, but have been hampered thanks to the incredibly lousy weather.
Don't know about anyone else, but I sure am looking forward to the weekend!!
So many things to learn in a report like this. And so many things to learn in general!! If you are interested in expanding your fire education, there may be no time better than the present.
A Wyoming Volunteer Grant may very well make this type of education possible. I have been exploring ways to make this work for any of you interested. I believe I have an avenue. Please contact me at kclay@tetonwyo.org if you want more info. Although it is challenging, an online education is just like anything else - you get out of it what you put in!
Bourbon Sauce
1/2 c. butter, melted
1 c. sugar
1 egg
(Add at the end) -
1 cup bourbon whiskey
Here's what you do. First butter 8 ramekins or a 9 x 13 inch glass dish. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Make the wet mixture first. I start with the eggs, then the seasonings, mix that all up. Then add the milk and then the sugar. Throw in the blueberries and the booze and lastly the bread. Gently toss or you'll have mushy, falling apart bread pieces (yuck). Spoon into ramekins and bake 40 minutes.
It took a couple of months to sell Michael on the idea. Obviously, raising chickens for eggs makes no sense whatsoever! They are really, really cheap. But when was the last time you had a fresh, orange shelled and brilliantly orange-yolked egg, I ask? He finally bought in.
Next came the structure. I hated the idea of building something from all new materials. My wonderful loud mouth, obnoxious Italian friend Janet offered up a door, window and OSB board from the company "bone yard". We bought a 4 x 8 rough "structure"- used to be a wood storage shed. Fellow firefighter, Mike Mayer, practically gave us pre-stained t&g cedar siding, and the trip to Idaho Falls (see picture above) finishes up the supply stage. Now, it is stacked and ready to go. In a week it will be May! Michael is off doing a three day forest service class in lovely Buffalo, Wyoming. It is supposed to snow. Again.
Thanks to Andy Christensen for the dog run donation - soon to be chicken run! With some work it will certainly help in the effort to keep our dogs, killer cat, the foxes, coyotes, eagles, hawks, mountain lions and wolves (?) away from the chickens.
Stay tuned. There will be more as construction is sure to begin!
One of the big teachings of CRM is Situational Awareness. You know the problem. Things go bad, your focus narrows down to the most serious situation and you miss the "big picture." Your scene becomes tunnel visioned, fixated.
This concept is easily transposed to fire department operations. Imagine your next call. You are enroute and the firefighter next to you is yammering on about how he hates his job, he hates his boss; all of this yammering is NOT about the job at hand or the one coming up very shortly. You all arrive and no one has much of a clue of what to do.
Next week, I hope to have the link to find Instructor Handouts from the Trauma Conference. Please feel free to comment on this blog site. Does it work for you? Let me know.