Thursday, May 7, 2009

Crazy Busy!

Okay, I have been crazy busy since my last post. I fear I may have lost you followers; please forgive me. Some really cool things have happened; last Friday a great several hour Civil Patrol training with the culmination spent in the air circling over a recent plane crash on the Continental Divide Pass of theTogwotee Mountains and the great success of finding the plane from the air. Now you need to know, the folks had gotten out of the plane successfully and without injury about two weeks ago, but we were the first to spot the plane from the air. Kind of a nice little badge on my CAP uniform, so to speak.

Then I got the wild hair to hike, by snowshoes, into the plane crash landing site. Michael and I donned borrowed snow shoes and commenced our search. With GPS in hand, we learned we knew very little about our GPS. After some cursing and playing, we found the needle in the haystack! I'd really like to send you pictures, but you're going to have to send me an email to get the specific ones. I'd hate to lose my respect and position in the Civil Air Patrol!!

Then it was back to a busy work week. Tomorrow I will be finishing a ICS 400 class taken up in the beautiful Grand Teton National Park. There are still rumors that the National Fire Academy may cancel my arson class due to the HINI virus.....we'll see sometime next week, I suppose!!

There WILL be a post next week updating you on the chicken coop. Landscaping efforts have begun, but have been hampered thanks to the incredibly lousy weather.

Don't know about anyone else, but I sure am looking forward to the weekend!!

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