Saturday, November 26, 2016

So, Where Did We Leave Off Last?

Ahhhhh.  Vacation continues.  A fine dinner was had by all in Naplate on Wednesday night with the Kinzer Clan.  So good to see Kristen, Mike and Mark.  Aiden was his happy self.  The Village Cafe makes excellent fried chicken and pork tenderloins.  We ate well.  Our happy waitress Emma, took the photo.

The day was laced in sadness, however.  Redford, Gary and Diana's dog, ridden with cancer and barely able to stand, he was relieved of his life's pain and put down this day.  Old, good, friend Redford.  He was a good, good dog.  Our dogs.  Our loyal, loving, unconditional-loving friends.  You, my dog friend, had a good life with Gary and Diana.  If there is such thing as a "next life", I hope to come back as one of their dogs!!

Up early for a flight to Rochester, New York.  Into a rental car and on the highway to arrive for Thanksgiving dinner at 4pm.  Not a bad way to plan this - walk in, sit down, eat a fine meal!! Oh, and drink great wine! 

Pictures to come of the Trumbower clan.  All gathered around mother Janet last night to celebrate her 81 birthday.  Hot turkey soup, trays of delicious treats, and a "happy birthday" song that sounded really good!!  Stand by for pictures!

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