Monday, March 6, 2017

The Howling Illinois Wind

This is the storm front, headed our way.  The black line indicates Dad's house; my location.  We all settle in to the evening as the weather alarm squalks out its warnings.  There is no basement in the house, only a cellar which one must go outside to crawl into. 

The sound of this wind takes me back to childhood.  There are no other places I have been where wind sounds like this.  I hear the wind in the trees and the bushes outside.  I hear it swish around the house.  But the big wind sound that is unique is the one of  wind as it rolls across the flat, bare land.  There is a pitch to the sound.  Not a low pitch.  Not exactly a high pitch.  I'd call it alto pitched.  It comes and goes in rounds.  Now loud, loud, loud, and suddenly quiet.  Then a wave of loud again.  And all this precedes the real front.  The one shown below, still miles away.  I'm thinking sleep will be difficult tonight. 

Tomorrow will be the one week anniversary for the tornado that hit Ottawa.  I toured the area today, on my way in to Dad's.  A stop by Mom's childhood home with the unhappy report of significant damage to the kitchen area.  Giant oak trees, pulled from the earth, picking up sidewalks and pavement, litter the area.  Roofs were peeled off and hurled about.  A house missing its roof posted a sign at the front door, "For Sale, Roof Leaks".  Humor is good in a mess like this.

The entire town of Naplate is still "closed".  Sheriffs post both ends.  Dad shares pictures of destruction.  This is not a town of great means; many people will find hard times ahead.  Businesses may never reopen. 

Feeling a bit like a looky-lou, I capture a few photos from south Ottawa.  Sleep well and may the winds be kind.

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