Monday, March 19, 2018

Productive Weekend!

Great weekend with nephew Evan and his wonderful gal, Dani!  Mike and I rocked it for getting things done!! Especially Mike!!  My photo of us all enjoying beer and apps is on my phone; you will have to wait for that photo.  Here's what got accomplished.

First, five bluebird houses.  Three are up in Freedom, two are waiting to go up in Hoback.  These are made using the plans from Gilbertson Bluebird House design.  Supposed to be sparrow resistant.  I hate sparrows about as much as flies.....  You paint them to look like a birch/aspen tree.  Hopefully, the bluebirds will not judge their potential homes by the exterior artwork!!  They will, I am certain, be very impressed by the brand hanging off the pole!

New lights in the kitchen make this cook VERY happy.  The old lights buzzed.  I hated that!  These sleek low profile lights are a huge improvement!!

Next on to the sink faucet.  Getting rid of the low profile always-in-the-way, this faucet stands tall over the sink, giving more than ample room to wash dishes while enjoying the beautiful western view out of the window.

And then, the light over the sink.  It was about as bad as the other!! Mike found a nice piece of old barn wood (lots came with the place) and mounted this second hand store fixture.  The lights will be changed so they are all the same color.  HUGE improvement!! 

Other things that happened this weekend - new forks for the tractor!!  Very exciting!  The hot tub is fixed!!  Very, very exciting!!  This was the repair, actually, that started the weekend out right!!  

And lastly, when you have an airplane and a hanger, it's nice to have a giant door into your shop.  When you have no airplane and a hanger, it's nice to keep this insulated area closed up.  This beautiful door addition was completed a couple of weeks ago.  Great work, T!

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