Monday, August 13, 2018

Another 363 Days to Go

And just like that, the Hoback Picnic is done for another year.  After months of planning - securing tents, portapotties, beer orders, rib orders, food items, etc - and logistics, the picnic went off without too many hitches.  3000 pounds of pork ribs cooked.  230 pounds of coleslaw served.  115 punds of brown sugar used!!  Everything is inventoried, cleaned, and stored for 2019.  It is so much work.  And this year was most likely the hottest year on record.

The cooker!

With a short weekend, Sunday was a full day too.  Here is the 5 tons of hay we delivered to a farm about 20 miles from our Freedom place.  At mile 18, we had a flat tire.  Mike is getting very good at fixing flat tires!  I think this is number 5 or 6 flat tire of the year!  That took $160 off the profit of the hay!  Oh well, cost of doing business.  Sold the hay to a very nice couple just moved to Wyoming from Colorado.  Final 5 tons to be delivered next weekend.  We (I say that loosely; Mike is doing all the work) loaded the 5 tons by hand and unloaded it at their place by hand.  Working on a plan to refine this process a bit!!  The swather is broken; a part is coming overnight.  That old thing is a repair waiting to happen!!  

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