Monday, January 7, 2019

Painful Week Start

I am not a complainer.  And I'm pretty tough.

Yesterday, while chipping some ice away from some windows, I flipped a big ice chunk into the air and it came smashing down on my hand.  I knew a blood vessel had broken and was rewarded immediately with a growing hematoma.  Soon it was the size of a golf ball.  By the time Mike and I returned to Hoback Junction - after a day of snow moving in Freedom - my giant hematoma was starting to hurt quite a lot.  Off to the Emergency Room.  Happily, there were not bones broken.  I was wrapped up in an Ace bandage and told it would be pretty painful for a week as the stuff was absorbed up by my body.

Come Thursday of this week, Mike will deliver me to an oral surgeon's office where I will get the fractured root to a tooth that broke off extricated from my gum/jaw.  We will be driving to Idaho Falls for the procedure.  I am thankful to have a husband who is able to me my driver.

I hope  your week is going better than mine!! 

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