Friday, February 7, 2020

A Week of Snow

Friends and neighbors Todd and Janet took a winter break, packed up, and drove south on Sunday.  The day before it was 45 degrees outside.  This is the picture out our back door Monday morning.


Then the temperatures dropped to -13 degrees on Tuesday.  This is the picture from our front door Thursday morning which was the beginning of the next winter storm. 


Here is this morning.  It snowed all day and night.  There are three ways to get into or out of Jackson.  Two of the three closed last night.  One has reopened this morning.  Avalanches continue to slide.  It's a big gnarly storm.

This is as close as we can get to the Freedom place right now; a photo off the live camera.  The road through the Snake River Canyon keeps filling in with snow cascading down the steep mountain sides.  As of noon yesterday, our renters reported over a foot of snow had fallen.  That was noon yesterday.  What a bad time for the tractor to be broken down!!

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