Monday, December 21, 2020

Happy Holidays 2020

 As you get the last details ready for this holiday weekend coming up, Mike and I wish you a healthy and safe holiday season. 

We love this picture taken of us at Todd & Janet's fall wedding this year by friend Debbie Meagher.  If you were getting a mailed holiday card, this would be the picture on the front!  But, you are not getting a card in the mail!!  

Life changes.  Challenges come, opportunities sprout.  We miss family terribly.  Through all this, we have felt the amazing support of our parents, helping us stay mentally grounded and well.  Thank you Janet, and Jean, and Ken for being there when we need to talk or like to listen, for sending texts that make us laugh, and just, well, for being such a huge part of our lives - even though we cannot be together. 

I have watched FEAR take ahold of friends.  Fear is an ugly thing.  COVID hits pocket books (and the worse may be coming....), affects life styles, and infects loved ones.  News, TV, and social media breeds on fear.  Lots of other things out there breeding on fear too.  It's a fragile time.  The COVID triangle.   The virus, the financial impact, and the mental impact.  Again, I bow to my parents' and friends' support in helping me stay strong and well mentally.  I work hard every day to not let Fear permeate my being.  Positivity and optimism are my choice in life.  

For those of you who read this greeting, we wish you good health and a positive and optimistic outlook for your life, the things you believe in, and the way you want you life to be.  Every morning we make personal choices.  You let the things come into your life that you allow.  Live the life you want, sing, be happy, celebrate life.  It's still worth living.  Even with a mask on!! 

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