Friday, February 4, 2022

A Good Day to Poop

Many people do not think about (why would one, really?) how bees make it through the winter.  We have had morning after morning after morning of below zero weather.  Bees will form a tight cluster inside the hive, keeping the temperature around 70F.  When it gets warmer during the day and thus so in the hive, some will break away and eat the stores of honey stored on the frames in the hive.  

Today, the temperature has warmed to 20F.  It feels almost balmy out and the bees need to stretch their legs and poop.  Many won't make it back, landing on the snow and cooling down to where they can no longer fly.  There are already hundreds of bees scattered about, apostrophes on the brilliant white snow.  It is alarming for the first year beekeeper and thrilling for the more seasoned beekeeper.  Dead bees mean there are still live bees!  

The birds have figured out bees are tasty treats as well.  The bees that do not come back are less to keep the cluster warm but also less that need to eat.  It's a balancing act, being a bee and making it to spring!  

Happy to see the girls out today!  I have a video, but it refuses to upload.  Ah, here it is!! 

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