Friday, March 3, 2023

January Walk in March

Just like a January day in Illinois, the horizontal snow stung my face as I walked outside to dare a stroll down the road with the dogs.  I crossed the highway onto the gravel Tin Cup Junction Road, the overhead powerlines singing their eerie wind song.  The dogs were jubilant; wound up tight like rubber bands.  This weather does not deter dogs who have been house-bound a bit longer than they would like. 

We walked north, the west wind pummeling my side, my white rabbit hat anchored under my chin and slightly off center to add coverage.  The Rivers West coat stopped the wind and collected a white layer of snow coating.  

When the sun was out, it was a lovely winter scene, observed with some irony on this third day of March. Then the clouds darkened the sky, the snow flakes increased and spring seemed quite aways away.  

I hold little hope for my bees, two hives still hanging on, shivering together to stay warm, peeking outside to see only whiteness.  A bush by the Garden Shed looks like it has green buds beginning.  The horses wander around plowed areas in the corral and surrounding fields, diminished in size by the towering walls of snow Michael has piled to clear them a way.  

We watch the news from California.  Our storm is quaint compared to what is happening there.  One day, spring will come.  Or maybe it will just turn summer.  There is much snow to melt.  This is how much snow just on the flats.  Yup, that's the top of a picket fence.

PS  For those of you who read the last post, I am feeling great!!  Quite the ordeal almost a week ago now.  I've learned a few more things about this body of mine!!  Take good care of yours!! 


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