Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Today's News

This has been a long and often frightening winter.  There have been many many things that could have gone terribly wrong; a crawl space filled with natural gas and firefighters walking around the first floor, a horrific car vs snowmobile touring company van filled with guests crash, etc, etc.  Many of us have really been on guard for the very real potential of a big event with the potential for injury or worse. 

So, I committed that should we make it to spring (which is hard to grasp this morning as the snow capes are muddy open spots into a white blanket covering, once again) without a significant incident, I would write a piece for the paper.  So, last week I did.  After it was written and submitted, there was one very bad crash and one more gas leak; the worry of jinxing myself was intense!!  But, today it is published and still rings true.  We did good, we got lucky this year.  Phew

Thank you Jackson Hole News & Guide.  Thanks for getting the word out! 

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