Monday, April 22, 2019

Weekend Results

I spent the weekend trying not to bend down (dripping blood from my nose would immediately commence if I did), lift heavy objects, and generally follow the rules set forth by my doc so that I might recover as soon as possible.  I broke a rule and planted some broccoli and cabbage just before a big storm blew through.  They got set well with the rain that followed.

I also baked an amazing - if I might say so myself - loaf of bread.  I've bake bread all my life.  I get bread.  I get how to knead it, how to let it rest so the yeast grows, how to shape it, and how to bake it.  But this loaf!  Well, I've hit my bread-baking high with this loaf!  It was inspired from my latest book, Cooked , which has been a wonderful wonderful read on cooking all kinds of things! 

I then set forth to taking the five yards of French fabric, which was scored at a second hand store for a whopping $8 investment, and turning into a table cloth.  This fabric has a cool coating which makes brushing off spills and food easy peasy on your table.  Done and not bad for an amateur!  Love those sunflowers!

Back to work today.  Maybe not for the entire day, but for a bit.  The headache has been my chief complaint - Advil to the rescue.  I spied some blooming daffodils today!!  Woot!  Woot!

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