Monday, September 16, 2019


Dear Fans:  I sincerely apologize for my lack of blog postings of late.  Tis the end of the season for so many things!!  Mike's brothers and their gals all came west for an awesome Labor Day Weekend visit.  We had a great time of drinking, eating, fishing, and relaxing. Here is a rare photograph of all three Trumbower boys having their eyes open for a photograph!!

Mike and I have enjoyed fishing the Salt River down by our place.  Last weekend, Friend Janet joined up and we made a great 4 1/2 hour drift.  It was great!!  I was making the last cast of the day when this happened!! Caught myself with the fly on the end of my line!  Mike got to practice some EMT skills - his first try was not so good.  We worked a different method and the fly was released from the very big Fish!!  Too bad the barb had not been flattened.  Extrication of the black ant fly might have gone a bit easier.  I am happy to report there is not infection and I am healing well.  Now I know how those little fish lips feel.

They say this is a big fish for the Salt.  I have been the big-fish catcher on most of these trips.  They are fun to catch, for sure!!

Off to Big Sky, MT tomorrow for a presentation on Wednesday!  Stay tuned; I'll try to post more often!

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