Friday, September 27, 2019

Optimistic Opening Day

We arrived as the moon, weighted down by a waning crescent, sunk to the eastern horizon.  The constellation, Orion The Hunter, stood out boldly in the southern sky.  As we heaved ourselves atop our trusty steeds and headed down the trail, Sassy - the white pack mule - glowed in the morning darkness ahead.  She and Cosmo carried pack saddled; just in case we got lucky.  A sparky-red meteor zipped straight down through the sky in front of us.  It seemed like very good luck and I had on my boots I always wear when I kill an elk, my black silk scarf, my camo pants and coat, my binoculars, and my riding helmet.  Not that I am superstitious or anything!! 

Up and over the ridge and down the other side.  The yellow aspen leaves shuttered in the morning diurnal breeze, cold and in our faces.  Things began to light up as the sun pushed over the horizon's edge in the same place the moon sank.  The forest was quiet. 

Our optimism for the day translated in a nice ride with our stock!  Nothing showing today.  There will be another time, another opportunity.  For today, it was a good hunt and a great ride.  We were ready!!

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