Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fast DC Weekend!

One of the advantages to being out east for two weeks is the weekend! Mom made the trip from Illinois to spend about 40 hours with me here in the DC area, including a day of walking around the national monuments in Washington, DC. What a thrill to figure out the Metro, get the fare right, and get to the right place. We felt so "metro"!! A brisk wind kept Mom's hood up and my hat on as we walked out way west to the Word War II monument (pictured above). I love this picture of Mom next to the columns of the Lincoln Memorial (below)looking east toward the Washington Memorial and the White House.

We walked on to the Korean Memorial, a spooky, erie, and enchanting monument to the soldiers of that war. Then north back over to the Vietnam Memorial past the long wall of names. A park ranger presentation helped us learn a bit more about that emotional tribute.

We then began walking to the east. Landing at the back entrance of the Natural History Museum, we (especially me) had one thought in mind and it wasn't a woolly mammoth; it was lunch. Amongst a crowd of squalling children we dined. I liked it much better outside! So there we went, in search of the aquarium. In a dark space filled with bubbling aquariums, we viewed electric eels, poisonous frogs and the coolest sea urchins ever!! On then to the Red Cross headquarters to realize there was no reason to come there!! Our feet were very tired.

We turned directions and sighted in to a southeast trek back to the Washington Monument. A pause on top of the polished white marble benches and onward to the Metro. Our day was completed with a fine meal shared with Michael's family; father Earl, mother Janet, brother Steven, sister-in-law Victoria,and nephew Taylor. As I write this, she is still traveling. Thanks Mom, for a great weekend! It was a wonderful diversion from the week of study ahead here at the National Fire Academy (final picture).

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