Wednesday, July 31, 2013

One Week on a Mule, The Condensed Version

Okay, it's a bit wild to take a one week pack trip and condense it down to just a few images - but hey, it's summer and you are busy! Don't want to take up too much time!! In a nutshell, it rained, it was hot, it was high, it was steep down. It was rocky, it was relaxing, it was wonderful. Here's to one of the better pack trips; although we sure missed Cyndie! 24 head of stock (13 mules, 11 horses), 6 people and 4 dogs. Our dogs are getting old. Sad. By the way -Italy in 2015!! I have a passport now!Thanks to Mom and Sandy for doing the chores and holding down the Home Fort while we were away!

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