Saturday, December 12, 2015

Congratulations EMT Mike Trumbower!!

Four Station 3 members have completed and passed the arduous class, practicals and testing to become the newest EMTs for the station.  Heartfelt congratulations to these four who have worked so hard to get this important certification.  Here is poem I wrote for tonight's celebration party in their honor.

Three cheers of joy
To the Nation’s Four
Long hours of study and practicals
Are no more!
For what seems like forever
They’ve been learning EMT skills
And all those hours were volunteer
So it did nothing for paying the bills
Short board, long board, suck bags and epi pens
Jordan, Chance, Mike & Jack
Are now certified technicians.
BVM, blood pressure cuffs
So many things that were unknown
Just taking the test
Was a skill of its own!
BSI, scene safety are what they think first
Is it medical, is it trauma, MI or stroke?
They are trained and ready
To take care of the Nation folk.
Regarding those you abandoned
Over the course of this training
We burst with incredible pride
For the talent we are all gaining
You’ll never understand
How much they love you
When they dial 911 and call
Showing up on their door step
Is the best medicine of all
Stay safe and do good work
Congratulations. You are EMTs!
This night is for you and all you’ve done
For this, we are so very pleased!

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