Saturday, May 14, 2016

Awesome Event at Reagan!

It is not very often that something really cool happens in an airport; I mean, your airplane shows up, you get on board, and your plane leaves without event - well, that's cool.  But what is happening right now at Reagan and what happens almost every day, is really really unique and special.

Behind me, there has been a bunch of clapping and whooping going on.  A brass horn plays military-type music.   I finally couldn't stand it any longer and went to investigate.  Every day, Delta flies World War II and Korean War veterans into DC for the day to tour the sites and to be honored. These passengers were from Grand Rapids.  A line of folks cheered, smiled, and shook their hands as they made their way off the plane.  Heart warming and wonderful; this scene was a moment to be proud for this amazing country we live in and those who sacrifice so much for our freedom.  Wow.  This was a really special moment.  I no longer begrudge the fact that I had so much time of waiting here in Reagan!!  Have a great day enjoying Washington, troops!  Thanks for your service!!

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