Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sally Sue, 16 years 3 months

Born on a pig farm near Rock Island, Illinois, March of 2000, Sally was picked out of a litter of blue heeler puppies while on a trip I made to Illinois. Her wish-bone marking on her head and her sweetness helped me pick her.  Mom drove us in her Honda car back to Diana's house where I slept on the floor in the basement with my new little puppy.  Sally whined during the night and tucked her puppy head into the crook of my neck.  The next day, she was packed into a dog carrier and we flew back to Jackson where she began her life in Wyoming as my loyal, best friend.

Determined that I would have a dog that could fetch, this was the first thing I taught my dog.  Coming when called was a challenge for both of us which led to the short use of a shock collar.  At about four years of age, I began to feel she had grown out of her puppy stage.  She was a manic stick player throughout her life!

Sally was by my side when going to hunting camp, on pack trips, cross country road trips, for long walks in the woods, ski treks in the mountains, and everywhere I went - she was my dog. 

Sally lived an amazing 16 plus years and three months, strong and healthy up to her last few months.  Watching her deteriorate, unable to get up and walk around, Sally told me it was time and with the help of good friend Doc Griggs, Sally was gracefully put to sleep forever on a glorious blue sky, warm and breezy day, Sunday, June 5.  She died peacefully laying right in the back seat of my car. 

Sally leaves behind her Mom and Dad, Kathy and Mike, and her brother Smoke, her (annoying) sister Ruby, and her old cat friend, Jynx.  We will all miss her kind heart, her loyal gaze, and her happy disposition.  She was a good, good dog.   

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