Monday, August 22, 2016

August Fishing

August is usually not the best time to fish on Jackson Lake.  But you go anyway, because it is beautiful, relaxing, and a nice way to spend time together.

Yesterday was, for the record, the best August fishing day we have ever had on Jackson Lake.  With a total of 8 fish landed (one for dinner, one for a give-away), we caught lake trout, a cut throat trout and a brown trout ranging from 8 pounds down.  Mike had a great day; catching the biggest and the most fish.

Now, I'm not saying that it's all about the catching, but it is nice when you feel that sudden tug on the line, the wiggle of resistance and the flash of the fish being pulled to the surface.  Equally enjoyable is watching that fish swim back to the depths of the lake.

As the seasons turn, we begin to think about hunting.  The boat will be squeezed out of the weekends as we put our eyes to the hills, looking for deer and elk and maybe even an antelope this year.  

It was a good year to be on Jackson Lake. 

First nice fish.....
Second nice fish......

Third nice we have a new good-luck shirt??

 Last fishing day of the year???  Ice cream for the ride home.
Ruby stands guard.

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