Monday, September 30, 2019

Be Generous

I've been working on acts of generosity.  Last night, I made a batch of chili to bring to work, but it did not turn out as I wanted and I nixed that idea.

So today, I donated some hair!  I've been in need of a trim for awhile.  All it takes is 8" to donate one's hair. 

Here is the lock that was cut.  I hope it will help someone.  I wish it was thicker, but it is what it is!!

I keep my hair pulled back and in a braid 99.9% of the time.  The ends are good.  The whole lock should be useful for someone.  I hope so....

Here is what is left!  Taking bets.....when Mike returns from Cody, will he notice?  I'll be $20 he won't notice for weeks!!  Haha!

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