Monday, January 6, 2020

The Easy Part, Finished

Mike and I thought the hard part of "building" a barn quilt would be the layout and painting.  As we ponder next steps, clearly, it will be the hanging of the barn quilt which will present the biggest challenges. 

Where to hang it?  It must be visible from the road.  How to hang it?  That means it must hang on the shed.  Which side?  And how it the world does one mount a 200 pound "sign" on the side of a metal shed?  One can imagine the discussions between the quilt-builder and the quilt-hanger....."I don't want any screws going through my quilt!"  "How is it going to hang up there then?" And on an on.....

There will be a green 2"x4" frame mounted vertically on the side of the 8' x 8' barn quilt when it is completed.  Next step, prime and paint edging. 

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