Monday, March 23, 2020

New Life

Few things are neater than two chicks peeping under their mom!  Freshly hatched, the furry little critters are vulnerable and very unstable. 

Welcome two new welsummer chicks.  Thanks to a very broody chicken, we threw a couple of fertile eggs underneath her and to the date, the chicks hatched!  As big chicks tend to pick on little chicks, now the quest is to find some similar-aged chicks!  Oh, it gets so complicated, right?!!  With luck, I will find some Wednesday morning.  I will have to take some time off to get them, but two is not enough! 

Momma is sitting on 4 other eggs.  They are due April 4.  How fun!

Meanwhile, Barn Quilt #2 has begun.  This one is called the Wyoming Star and is for Jim and Diana Brown's beautiful red barn on Brown's Curve.  She will have the final hand transferring over a Wyoming cowboy bucking bronco in the center. 

The center star, tapped out here on the two pieces of 4'x8' board, is a light color.  Red is the next color and the outside will be blue.  Framed with black, the entire barn quilt will be anchored with the point up!  That too will be their task!! It was wonderful to have this project to work on this weekend and divert my mind from the COVID concerns.  Thank you Diana Brown!!

Continued quests for the very best of all sourdough keeps me kneading flour.  These two came out of the oven in Freedom Saturday morning.  Ah, so lovely!!  We will have bread for ourselves and anyone in need!!

Lastly, these neat bee cloth packages I have made up.  Fun cotton fabric treated with a mixture of bees wax, jojoba oil, and pine resin make great replacements for plastic wrap!  They really work well!!  Wrap up a sandwich, an onion, wrap off the end of a cucumber, top off a jar - they really do replace plastic quite nicely!  I think they are pretty slick!!

Enough for now.  Wash your hands.  Sanitize after touching every surface.  Stay home.  Stay well!

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