Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Spring is Taking Forever!

I had the pleasure to visit Mom last month in southern Illinois.  I was there from April 9- 15 and it was full-on spring!  Green lawns, yellow forsythias, and white blooming pear trees everywhere!  It was magnificent!  

Joined Mom at the Health Center on the treadmill a couple of times and had a hard time keeping up with her!  She is in amazing shape!!  Mom was recognized the following week as Volunteer of the Year there at the hospital where she is often first to say, "I can do that!"  You can read more about her giving spirit at MOM IS AN AWESOME VOLUNTEER  Sister Sandy and husband Mark made the long journey down from Michigan to join in for the celebration!  Happy 80th birthday, Mom, even though we are a bit late!!

Our spring in Wyoming has been painfully slow to come!  The dandelions around Hoback just started blooming and have yet to bloom in Freedom.  Last week, Mom announced she had five buds on her peonies plant.  Here is what the old peonie patch in Freedom looks like this week.  Come-on warm temperatures!!  

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