Thursday, September 2, 2021

Goings On

 People often ask, "how do you find the time?!"  Lately, it has been challenging, I will confess.  Take yesterday for example.  Off to work for the day.  Got home and we had a series of calls all at once; like six medical calls, a car crash, and investigate fire all within ten minutes.  It was nuts!  So, I headed back to town.  Calm returned to the valley.  I headed back to Hoback, jumped in my Honda, zipped down to Freedom to help get some hay baled before today's rain.  Done at sunset, pick some produce and flowers, back to Hoback, deliver produce and online order as I came into work!  Phew, I need a break from work, so I'm doing this blog spot!  

Here are some images.  Pictures and captions tell the story. 

We celebrated Mike's birthday on Tuesday.  I hate the fact he had to remind me it was his birthday!  Dah!!  Dang it!!  This year's birthday theme was cakes.  Here he is enjoying a chocolate chip bundt cake given to him by Cyndie Griggs.  For his birthday night (as I attempted to remedy my slip with memory), I baked him his favorite rum cake.  And last night, the fire crew brought him a lovely cake which he enjoyed a slice of when we returned to Hoback after the hay frenzy!!  Cake.  Happy Birthday Michael!! 

When we bought the place in Freedom, we acquired this lovely crab apple tree.  It wows us in the spring with a white floral display that makes my bees waggle dance!  It graces us in the fall with a large crop of tasty fat crab apples.  Thank you Stephanie for lending us your press! The fresh pressed juice is amazing!

Harvested last weekend, 27 pounds of purple potatoes!  I love these things!  I love how they shimmer in sunlight - like a precious jewel.  I love how they look when you cut into them and I love how they roast up into deleciousness!!  

I have a market for some of my garden produce and appreciate Slow Foods in the Tetons supporting tiny little farms like ours.  As I bring in my small organic offerings, I watch the big gardeners down the road unload their flats of produce.  I am humbled. 

Yellow beets dry on the drying table next to white and yellow onions.  

A vase of flowers for Susie!  

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