Saturday, July 8, 2023

Immersed in Summer

Mike has been counting how many actual summer days we have had thus far.  He is up to five.  Today looks to be number 6!

He has also been busy working on the greenhouse project.  There is now a sunshade on top, a lovely custom door on each end (trimmed out in cedar), raised beds inside with lil plants coming up out of the soil - all moved in a wheel barrel.  It's been a ton of work, but deeply satisfying to see the repuposed greenhouse come to life and become functional!  Here is a winter to now picture presentation.  

Tomatoes, beets, cukes, basil, cilantro, parsley, zucchini, and delecatta squash are planted as well as the corn thinnings/transplants which are doing remarkably well.   I did not believe one could transplant corn!!  We pause while working and sit in the greenhouse in a couple of chairs added to the space.  Something good for the soul inside that space!!  

Haying is at least 10 days late.  Mike  hopes to begin cutting tonight or tomorrow.  The alfalfa is budding, but no blossoms yet.  Crazy-late!  It's good he has had this greenhouse for a distraction! 

Our free-range chickens have decided to nest in stacks of hay.  Mike has found at least 3 nesting sites with hens and eggs.  No wonder we aren't getting many eggs.  Soon there will be baby chickens parading around with their mothers - unless the cats get them!!  The joy of roosters crowing and chickens grousing around the place!!  I just love it!!  

The outside garden is growing well now that it has warmed.  This picture closes this blog report with beauty.  I do believe this is a publishable photo, if I might say so myself!!  Enjoy the fleeting warm breezes of summer time!!  

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