Friday, October 21, 2016

For the Love of Coffee

There is no sound better than the sound of a coffee maker brewing.

Gurgle, steam hiss, gurgle.  Drip, drip, drip.

We kept running out of coffee in the mornings.  Our old 12 cup machine was just not enough.

Time to go shopping.

After reading reviews, considering the must-have features – machine must be programmable, must be more than 12 cups, must have a “bold” feature – a new Cuisinart coffee maker was ordered. 

In a way, this is a review of that machine!  Now used for over a week, I give it five stars!  The coffee maker came with a gold filter.  We got over using the paper filters years ago!  So, I didn’t have to go out and buy a cone filter. 

The warming base has three settings to dial-up or dial-down your coffee temperature.  We are set on high and each cup is steamy hot!

It is easy to fill with water, has a nice water-level indicator on the side, and the carafe pours without dripping. 

The anticipation of the first cup of steamy hot bold coffee is enough to inspire one to want to get out of bed!

That is, unless I can talk Mike into bringing me a cup to enjoy in bed!!  Check it out on Amazon at Great Coffee Maker

Worth every penny! 

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