Sunday, December 4, 2016

Sweet Memories

Photographs are great.  They take you right back to the moment.  Standing in the wine tasting room, looking out past the sun lit bottle onto the fields of vines where the grapes were picked to make the very wines you just tasted.  Later, sneaking outside, back of Janet's house, watching the winter sun settle slowly to the southwest horizon, illuminating the patterns of the golf course. 

Tomorrow's memories will be of the snow storm.  Gusty winds rearrange the half foot of fluffy white frozen water.  We are in full-snow moving mode.  The plow truck rumbles below, warming up it 34 year old engine, reading to push the snow into piles and clear roads.  The vehicles have been broomed off, taking away their snowy cloaks.  This is winter in Wyoming.  We need these snows.  Today's marks the seasons first significant snow fall.  I must go.  A snowblower awaits!

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