Friday, February 3, 2017

Barcelona Tourist!

Well, that was certainly a FULL day!!  A pack of three of us were led around the city today by guide, Thomas.  A young man in his 30s, Thomas took us to many fine places.  Best of all, he navigated the streets and traffic, found parking places, and watched our backs as we gawked and took photos. 

First stop, a very popular stop, the Park Guell.  It is difficult to the place into words.  Hired by a millionaire, this architect and artist built an amazing place from pieces of colored tiles with a really great view of the city.  Here are a few pictures from stop #1.

Have I said yet that there are tourists EVERYWHERE?  This place makes a busy summer day in Jackson look like child's play!  And this isn't their busy season.  Seriously, there are people everywhere.

Next stop was to the top of a mountain in the city where the bunkers from a civil war still remain, Bunker Carmel.  Holy moley, what a view.  I had no idea of the expanse of this city.  It was stunning to look off both sides of this point and see city, city, city. 

Get the sense of this place?  I had no idea!! This was just stop #2!  With still much time, we made our way to the Sagrada Familla - another HUGE tourist attraction.

But, I am about to run out of computer battery.  Recall, the outlets are quite different here.  So, I'm signing out early tonight, with many, many more thing to share, but not enough power to do so!  Tomorrow will be much different, I am of a trip an hour north of town....more to come!

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