Thursday, September 7, 2017

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes!

And your lungs!  It's been smoky around the west.  We have been lucky - thus far, and there are no big fires close by.  That does not mean there isn't smoke in the air, however.  The sun sets and rises in a hue of fluorescent orange/rose color.  The closest color I can come up with is raw wild caught salmon meat. That is the color.  The moon too is smoked color.  Tough year for the west.  We hold our breath and look to storms on the horizon.

This is, incidentally, the first year I am not all stressed out about dry weather and no rain.  Why?  Because Mike is currently putting up green, lovely alfalfa hay.  I wish I had a picture. 

Here is a cool link to show you the smoke moving from all of these western fires.  You will see the corner of Wyoming in the bottom right of the image. 

Check it out by clicking on this link Smoke in the West

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