Friday, February 16, 2018

Living Vicariously

It is a beautiful morning in Freedom.  I sit at my desk in Jackson, enjoying the view!  I got the cameras for Mike's birthday.  Not too expensive and seemingly kind of slick, I thought it would be a good gift.  Live web cam.  You can find these cameras at Fos Cam .

The cameras tie into the wifii there and can be pulled up off an app where ever one might be.  I cannot be there every day in person, but I can be there vicariously, viewing the changing weather, the sun moving shadows across the new snow, the clouds scattered in the blue morning sky. 

There is an added security feature for one of the cameras; live recording in the Cloud so if something funky happens, we can roll back to that time and see what went on.  So far, the coolest event was an owl coming in to snag a mouse at 2am.  There are three cameras now.  One on the garage, one in the Corporate Headquarters (this a portable camera which moves to various places), and one out at the hanger with a big northwest view of the place.  I am happy to share the user name and password with family and friends.

This long President's Day weekend finds friend Jason and son Ollie enjoying the Freedom home.  Mike and I will make weekend day visits, working on various projects in the hanger.  Enjoy the long weekend, if you are so lucky to have one!

PS  The time stamp is wrong!  I'll fix that right now.

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