Thursday, April 5, 2018

Spring in the Mountains

There are many things to dislike about this time of the year in Jackson Hole Wyoming. The vexing argument between winter and spring occurs every day.  Winter wins on most days.   Every now and then, a nice spring day teases up flaunting blue skies, warm temperatures, and joyous celebrations by all creatures great and small.  The day soon is crushed by Winter's strong arm and cold temperatures and snowflakes appear before the gray backdrop. It is a vexing time of the year indeed.

Today, on the way to work, I hear an osprey on the nest above Janet and Todd‘s house!  Brave Warrior here to help in the seasonal battle.

There are other signs of spring. The aspen trees buds start to swell and get all fuzzy looking. There are new birds that have arrived; I can hear them in the distance, see a red robin, and catch a flash of the ubiquitous bluebird every now and then. The grass has a slight green tinge to it, around the edges, sort of not totally green by any means but you can just see some of the south slopes starting to get a green sense to them.  The snow is melting on the valley floor and the dirt and dust come up and get swept around with blustery winds.  Rocks fly up into vehicles causing yet another crack in the windshield for the spring season. The south bare slopes are turning dry and the real threat of a grass fire starts to exist. The ground maybe wet, the ground may be frozen but the grasses are tall and dry and thick from last year‘s growth.

The thing I like the best during this mud season time is the elk. The elk at this time of the year can be seen everywhere! They’re coming off of their winter feed grounds in clusters of 30 or 40 or 100 or 200; they gather up looking for those green shoots heading higher and higher as the snows recede but staying close enough just in case Winter wins again.

At the Walton Ranch, new birth celebrates spring with the oncoming arrival of young calves.  Yesterday our cow had twins! This time, unlike the last time, both are alive. More and more come every day, born in cold temperatures, drying off and sucking for the first time that warm milk from their mother. Today's newborns will be greeted by Winter.

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