Sunday, May 6, 2018

Six Weeks

This week, I get to type again!  It's been six weeks since I made the error of judgement and used a kitchen knife as a tool.  I am reminded every day as the healing process advances, of how stupid that was to be using a kitchen knife! 

Mike has returned from his great Midwest adventure with a loaded trailer.  Thank you Dad for the piece of machinery!  I'm not sure which I am more excited to see arrive in Hoback - Mike, the culdepacker or the generous gift of frozen sweet corn!! 

Road weary and happy to be home, we got an early night sleep and soaked up some hot tub time this morning.  I am on duty this weekend (first time since my bad knife decision) so no Freedom for me this weekend (sad face).

Spring is winning.  The hummingbirds are back, the grass is growing, and the trees are leafing out.  Our bees arrive next Sunday; on Mother's Day.  The moment of discovering if I am or am not allergic draws nearer! 

Today's work - dependent on 911 calls - includes cleaning the fish tank, the chicken coop, and the dog poop in the back yard.  That's a lot of poop!!

Thanks for your patience as I have healed.  My ring finger can't really feel the key yet, so there is some backspacing to this missive, however, it is sensationally easier to type with two hands rather than one!! 

Have a great week ahead!!

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