Monday, May 14, 2018

Let the Fun Bee-gin!!

The bees arrived this Mother's Day.  Packed in a wax, cardboard box, the instructions were to take them home, place where the hive was to go, pull the yellow plug and get out if the way as " the bees will be pissy". 

The next instruction was to suit up, get the smoker smoking, and move the bees from their temporary box to the actual hive.  Mike suited up and performed like a well-seasoned bee keeper.  He did confess it was a bit unsettling to remove the top to the thing and hear the loud noise of a zillion buzzing bees.  The transfer was completed successfully with out one bee sting.

And meanwhile, the flowers are blooming nearby!  Things are green and blooming!  What a beautiful time of the year, indeed!!

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