Monday, July 9, 2018

Summer Time Tales

With the for-real arrival of summer, Mike and I spent the weekend getting the crop of hay harvested.  It appears we have doubled our number of bales from last year.  The last bale fell to the dusty ground yesterday afternoon around 4pm as the temperature peaked 93 degrees. 

With the heat, the garden grows too.  I have been spraying a bacteria on the cabbage to keep the cabbage worms from decimating the lovely plants.  So far, it seems to be successful.  I watch a white butterfly flutter around the plants yesterday and am keeping my fingers crossed on this non-insecticide treatment. 

Working the soil in preparation for some rows of lettuce, I unearthed an ugly brown caterpillar; one that looks like it could do a number on a row of beets.  The kale leaves are pocked with insect holes.  The heat brings growth, the growth brings bugs!

Today Mike works on the bale wagon repair.  Seems like everything breaks when you need it most! 

As the hay bales pile up, I am wondering what Master Farmer Mike’s marketing plan will be!  Anyone need some nice alfalfa hay? 

The corn is loving the heat!! 

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