Monday, September 17, 2018

Hot. Dry. Windy.

It happened this weekend.  You could feel it coming on.  Saturday night, at 10pm, the wind swirled around the outside thermostat - temperature 70 degrees.  I was quite happy to pass on the duty officer baton at 0700 Sunday morning with my shift came to a close. 

And Sunday was the day.  Fires kicked up all over the region.  This one, pictured below, is the Roosevelt Fire.  It started in a meadow we camped in on one of our pack trips years ago.  The winds whipped so hard, the fire overtook a couple of hikers who were high-tailing it out of the country.  They found some refuge in a stream, but still received burns significant enough they were life-flighted to the Salt Lake City burn center last night.  They are lucky they lived.

The weather forecast gives us no hope for relief any time soon.  Shorter days and cooler nights will help, but this afternoon's 81 degrees and 12% humidity kicked this fire into high gear. 

Framed in the foreground, our new Munger Mountain School.

Flooding in the east.  Fires in the west. 

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