Monday, September 10, 2018

Row Your Boat

Mike and I floated the Salt River Sunday morning.  What a weekend-like thing to do!!  Instead of throwing a party, or baling hay, or weeding the garden, we stepped out of our comfort zone and did something crazy like this!  As we left, I looked at the wilting horse radish, the mound of purple potatoes still needing extrication from the mounded dirt bed, the dog-printed floor where Ruby dotted the laminate after taking a bath in the irrigation ditch and I blocked it out of my mind as we made way to the boat launch, ten minutes from the Freedom place.  The shuttle took 15 minutes each way and we would float for three hours!  Rivers are so cool!

And because it was cool, the fishing was slow until around 11am.  But I caught a few fish, Mike practiced his rowing skills and we had a wonderful time.  How generous for him to row the entire way!  However, having seen my rowing skills, there was good reason!! 

Here is a picture of my monster fish!!  I hold it to my shirt to keep my skin off its skin as fish are so sensitive.  They do not fare well when humans touch them.  Maybe he will grow up and I will catch him again - cause we will be back!!

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