Monday, March 18, 2019

Some More Comparisons

"You know, if you hired someone to do this, you could not afford it," noted the craftsman, laboring hard over the bedroom renovation project.

Pangs of guilt stab away when I hear my Master Carpenter shouting profanities at the corrugated metal, seeing blood run down his hand from a metal cut, and knowing this has not been an easy project.   Corrugated metal wainscoting in the bedroom.  Mike works hours to get small sections of the wall covered.  Measuring holes for outlets, cutting pieces around windows; it time-taking, back-breaking, meticulous work.

Here is a picture of the installation of the new laminate floor - an easy project, comparatively!  Note the wall above the wood trim.  There was wall paper there; vertical gray stripes with a pink flower woven through on a white background.  The walls below the trim, painted bubble gum pink.  The dark color, one I played with and decided against (good decision, me thinks!).  A blue shag carpet (complete with an abundant amount of dog pee stains) was removed prior to the floor installation.  This bedroom needed a renovation!

And here, a couple of pictures of the project.  I love how the outlets turned out.  This was one of the bigger conundrums - how to make the outlets work with a metal, corrugated finish.  The trim below the wood is super slick too.  With the new steel gray paint, the room is really going to shine when it all is finished!  There are four more outlets and less than half the room left.

I should post these on Pinterest!!  And here is what I did this weekend.  The dark green wall has always been a bit much for me.  So, I painted the green wall.  Before.  After.  What do you think?

Too funny!  Smoke is in both pictures!! 

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