Friday, June 21, 2019

Way Cool RV

Mike and I are hosts for a neat RV program called "Harvest Hosts".  Check them out at Harvest Host Site  Since the first of June, we have hosted 10 RVs.  The RV folks call ahead, get directions, pull into our driveway late afternoon/evening, and spend the night at the K Lazy M Ranch.  I have tricked out my little Garden Shed where they can look and potentially buy Copper Pot jams, Galen's maple syrup, a silk scarf, or Mom's sewing creations.  There is a container to leave money.  If electricity is  used, I ask the RV folks to throw in what they think is fair.  There is no charge to stay, but they are urged, as a member of Harvest Host, to support the businesses of the places they stay. 

Here is the unit that arrived last night.  This is the coolest rig ever!!  The tires themselves weigh 400 pounds.  The rig weighs in at 18K pounds.  Inside, custom cabinets hold custom shelving that holds the dishes and cups; designed with clever cushioning to eliminate rattling.  There are solar panels on the roof.  Everything is electric.  Here is a site to learn more about these custom, one of a kind rigs.  Earthroamer Info  They are rumored to cost $250,000!  Mary & Terry, you need one!!

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