Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Digging Out

I feel like an old-timer when I say, "there sure used to be a lot more blue sky days then there are now!", but it seems so true.  The last two winters have had so few blue sky days, one almost wants to make a note of it on the calendar.  "Saw the sunshine today". 

Last Sunday was one of those days.  As we rolled into Star Valley, low overcast clouds dampened the mood, but happily they dissipated away and we were treated to one of those rare Bluebird Days!  Mike crawled up on the roof to shovel and I fretted below.  The town of Alpine reported 33 inches of snow in 30 hours.  Our place in Freedom is about 12 miles south of Alpine.

Here are some images to capture this pile of frozen water.  On our roofs and in our fields.  Spring run-off should be good this year!

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