Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Changing Seasons

 We worked hard over the weekend.  Temperatures on Sunday soared at a 93 degree high with winds and low humidity.  The hay on the field was drying out.  A storm, promised to arrive on Monday, was our threat for success.  We need to bale and pickup a whole lot of hay before the storm arrived. 

Thanks to very few breakdowns and some help from neighbor Lou, we succeeded.  I took this picture as we were pulling the rest of the equipment out of the field, lightning bolts flashed to the north. 

It was quite a storm.  Jackson experienced a blizzard followed by a hurricane.  Trees toppled down all over the place in town.  On brand new Subaru cars, onto powerlines, blocking driveways, and causing all kinds of havoc.  The event was a strong cold front which terminated any further discussion of summer or zucchini picking from the garden. 

I picked a bunch of pink cosmo flowers to put on the counter as a tribute to the summer that really was productive.  Ten cabbages were lopped off their stems, onions harvested, potatoes dug, and peas, well, I've had enough peas for this year.  They froze!

This morning's low in Hoback was 19 degrees.  Killing frost.  

Now, the maples are turning colors down Snake River Canyon.  The temperature at noon is warm and luxurious bring back memories of hunting camp with huge breakfasts followed by deep-sleep naps in tents warmed by the afternoon summer sun.  That was a good chapter!

Fall can stick around awhile, methinks.  But, snow is on its way.  This we know.  

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