Wednesday, March 30, 2022

I Cook

Creating food is a way to reduce stress.  I've been cooking a lot as I wind down to my last days of work before Retirement.  There is still much to do; office to clean, interviews to conduct, plans to review, and on and on.  I see now, it won't be quite to easy to wrap things up and walk away.  

Mike and I find great joy in entertaining.  Here, the table set for six, snow in the fields and Ruby at the door.  It was a lovely evening.  I stepped out there and took tons of risk making all first-time dishes!  A salad with grilled and pickled octopus, a tomato farro soup, and the main course, paella with squid, shrimp, mussels, and clams finished on the still-shiny Traeger grill.  Dessert, was flan which came out perfectly!  It was a wonderous gathering of friends sharing wine and great food! 


Here is the pickled octopus.  It was really very delicious!

The new stone top got installed today.  Now all we need are the appliances.  It will be a great upgrade from the tile surface and old gray grout.  Last I talked to Mike, he had just scratched it!  Well, that had to happen; I guess sooner, than later.  Sigh.

Meanwhile, I cook for Slow Foods of the Tetons, making my delivery of sourdough breads, scones, frozen chocolate chip cookie dough, and kraut as the orders come in.  I go home, make dinner, and make food for others.  I do it when I want and make as much as I want and I see the opportunity for income in retirement.  It has been a great opening window!  Here are some food images to leave you with in this long, overdue post!

Last image, a meatloaf worth remembering.  Adding olives made it so delicious!! 

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