Monday, August 24, 2015

Day Two

First day of class.

There are 16 of us in this class.  Several are Chiefs, many Battalion Chiefs, some Captains, and a few Lieutenants.  A room full of thinkers. 

Two instructors work with us to help us grasp theory.  Theory - The two main purposes of theory are to explain and to predict.  A few of us are feeling a bit woozey!!  Our assignment is to come up with a problem (at work) which we can have influence to make change.  This is not an easy task.

Our day was finished with a briefing at the library.  The NFA library is a very unique and specialized library with its topic specific to our service.  I imagine I will be visiting this place once or twice in the next couple of weeks.

My head was spinning by now.  This is what was seen when one looked up!

I have limited time to decide.  What problem shall I tackle?  I query my class mates over a beer and discover some are opting for easy problems - changing a color on their helmet.  Updating a policy to reflect better practices.  There may be some serious wisdom here.  I need to stretch further.
Dead locust on the dorm step.  Apparently he had a big problem.

Sycamore bark at sunset.
A walk up the streets of downtown Emmitsburg to complete the day.

NFA student contemplates his problems!!  

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