Monday, July 24, 2017


Okay, I am super-sold on this new appliance; my Insta Pot.  All week I have been trying out new recipes.  It's been hot and I am really pleased with the fact that the entire kitchen isn't getting hot as I cook.  A bonus, for sure.

So far, 3 successful batches of Jasmine rice (really, you two are eating that much rice?), beef broccoli, pork roast, Asian beef, a whole chicken, and the best of best of all - potato salad.

I gotta say, I was sure this was going to be a disaster.  Following the online recipe, I put water with chunked potatoes into the pot and added 4 raw eggs.  Set them right on top the potatoes.  Closed it up and cooked it.  I was sure when I opened the thing I'd find egg whites and yolks and shells all over the thing.  Nope!  It worked!  The eggs were hard boiled, the potatoes cooked perfectly - done, but yet firm.  Michael is raving about this potato salad.  Says it's the best he's ever had!! Of course the dressing is key, but still, the eggs - they didn't burst!! Who woulda guessed?!  Here is a picture of what this looks like before the lid goes on.....

You can find the recipe at Miracle Potato Salad

Fast, furious exhausting work continues on the Freedom Farm.  Mike has been dealing with an infection from a puncture wound (he may need surgery.....), a tweaked back, an ancient (free) Ariens lawn mower with a blown belt and cracked fuel filter (no wonder it was slurping up so much gas!), hot and dry weather (the alfalfa needs irrigation), post holes that won't dig, and Hoback picnic ticket sales.  Starting tonight.  Groan.  Oh, I forgot to mention we had no water at home one day too.  That required a new pump, cleaning of a filter, and now the door - left open by the well dude  and ripped off during a storm - needs replaced (note, I did not say repaired).  

This is the view over a neighbor's barley field.  Beautiful, soft fields grace the country landscape.  This is beer barley.  Really pretty fields down south now. 

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